We're Back!

Hi Everyone! We’ve been out of pocket for a few weeks. We’ve spent some of the time up in Virginia, some up at Canyon Lake, some getting the kids’ started in school, and the rest just trying to catch up on our neglected chores around the house.

Our Virginia trip was great, aside from the expected ambivalence of any 50 hours spent in a car with kids. I’ve got a writeup with photos in the works, and should have it posted soon.

Emily has returned to Crockett Elementary, and has brought Abigail with her this year. Abby’s starting first grade, and Emily fourth. Both are adjusting to the scholastic routine well, aside from Abigail’s dislike of having to get up at 7:00am — a distaste I share.

I played with The Grant Mazak Band again this weekend, and had a great time. Lots of family showed up, the kids were at their cutest, and we were joined by another fiddler/songwriter friend of Grant’s for a set. (I only knew about half the songs he had us play, but managed to stumble along with the key and time signature in most cases.)

Anyway, all signs point to things slowing down here again for a while. I, for one, will welcome the rest!