It’s the loveliest time of the year in central Texas. The Mountain Laurel and Redbud had burst into extravagant and fragrant bloom a few weeks back, rendering walks through the neighborhood full of delightful visual and olfactory surprises. Lady Bird Johnson’s legacy of highways seeded with wildflowers has again made itself evident, as the Black-Eyed Susans, Indian Paintbrushes, Indian Blankets, Verbenas, and (most of all) Bluebonnets adorn the hill country roadways. The weather is so wonderful that it feels criminal to be indoors for nearly any reason whatsoever. The prickly pear and magnolia are now presenting the grand blossoms that they have been patiently growing while the eager wildflowers spent their glory.
And I’m stuck inside preparing for tests. Figuring that this would be a great time to add some official credentials to my resume, I signed up for one of Sun’s Java certification exams for Tuesday. Then, somewhat to my surprise, I got another call from the University yesterday, and now have a Thursday interview with the staff there. Being a University, the interview also includes a written test. So, I’m doing my best to be prepared for both tests by digging into my Java and J2EE materials.