There Goes My Allowance

The Dragon’s Lair is my favorite place for board and card games, comics, etc. My cronies at Origin and I used to frequent the store in Austin regularly at lunch time, mounting large-scale pilgrimages when new D&D books were released and when particularly enticing new games were available. The staff is extremely friendly and helpful and always have a superb selection of products on-hand.

Several times over the last month, I’ve seen a Dragon’s Lair van lurking here in San Marcos. And then last night, as Kathy and I were driving around, I saw — oh frabjuous day! — a storefront, open for business. I dragged my friend (and pastor) Craig to the store after lunch to check it out. We met the manager and the owner, and spent 20 minutes rooting through the games and chatting with them. While not quite as expansive as the Austin store, the selection is already solid, and they seem well on their way to hiring some good folks. San Marcos has been without a game store for a couple of years now, so I suspect they’ll do bang-up business.

The only downside for me is that they’re in easy walking distance from my office, which may make spending money responsibly that much tougher.