Photo Journaling

I’m starting to experiment with carrying a camera around with me more often, and will be posting some of the snaps that I like to flickr, an ambitious web-based photo sharing service. Aspects of this that you, dear reader, might find interesting:

  • The five most recent snapshots will be visible in the sidebar of Ruminations. (Those of you reading via email won’t see them unless you visit the website.) Clicking on any of them will bring you to the flickr site, where you can view or download the full-sized image.
  • If you’re using a news aggregator and want to keep an eye on the photos I’m posting, you can do so by subscribing to the RSS or Atom feeds.
  • All of the snapshots are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. This basically means that you can legally use them for anything you want as long as you don’t make money off of said use and you give me credit for the photo.

I think this will be a fun experiment.