Sandfest 2005

We got back last night from a lovely trip to Port Aransas, Texas for Sandfest 2005. Sandfest is an annual fund raiser put on by the Port Aransas Community Theater in which professional and amateur sculptors come from around the country to create some amazing art from that most ephemeral of mediums, sand. We’ve gotten to be a part the last few years by dint of being friends with and nominal members of the San Marcos Suns, a local sculpting team which includes the members of The Grant Mazak Band.

This year [Kathy->], [Emily->] and [Abigail->] all joined in the building fun while [Liam->] and [Maggie->] and I pottered about building dams, flying kites, having mussel races, and playing in the surf. Later that evening, a variety of musicians got together for a little party. The best part for me was that we roped [Meara->] into playing her violin with us for the first time. She did spectacularly well, especially given that we were throwing songs at her she hadn’t heard before. I’ve gotten her some recordings of some of our stuff now, so that only stands to get better!

You can see some photos from the trip here.