Emily Gets Baptized

After the main service this past Sunday, our church made its way down to Pecan Park Retreat, a wonderful campground along a bend in the San Marcos River, for a picnic and baptism service. [Mom McMains->], Grandy, and [Gayle->] had come up from San Antonio to be a part of the goings-on and to see [Emily->] baptized there in the river.

After we finished wolfing down curry tuna salad sandwiches and tossed frisbees around for a bit, we all headed down to the water’s edge. The air was a bit chilly — the water even more so, as the springs from which the river flows are only a few miles upstream, and the water has little time to warm up before it gets to the campground. Pastor Craig and I waded out into the river with Emily, and after Craig had administered a mini-catechism, we dunked her and pulled her back up to the cheers and applause of the rest of the church, who were wisely waiting on the banks of the river.

[Liam->] was originally slated to get baptized on Sunday as well, but when he started acting reluctant and asking questions like “Do I have to get baptized?” and “If I don’t get baptized, will I still be able to get a driver’s license?” we decided it might be best to hold off a little longer.

Thanks to everyone who supported Emily on this important day!