Lend a Hand

I’ve just added a new sidebar to this weblog. It’s called “Do Some Good”, and is devoted to links where you can help with a variety of important and worthwhile causes. (I figured these things are at least as important as the blathering I do here on a regular basis and therefore deserve top billing.)

I’m opening it with three links: the first is to Seth Dillingham’s fund raising page for the 2005 Pan-Mass Challenge, a biking event that raises funds for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.

The second is to Mercy Corps’ Sudan Page. This part of Africa has seen an enormous number of people killed and displaced over the past several years, and is one of the worst humanitarian crises of our era. Mercy Corps is providing food and basic sanitation for refugees who have been driven from their homes.

Finally, for those of you who may not have any disposable income, I’ve included a link to The Hunger Site. Merely by clicking a link, you can provide a cup of staple food for the relief efforts of Mercy Corps and America’s Second Harvest.

Thanks for visiting and helping with some of these efforts. I’ll be adding to these links as time goes on, so keep an eye on this space.