Travels with Daniel and Fanny

My dear friend [Daniel->] recently departed for Canada to be with his lady-love [Fanny->] for the months before they tie the marital knot. I was sad to see him go, as he has been one of my closest coconspirators here in San Marcos for the last few years, and is inevitably a stimulating person to share a coffee and conversation with. (Or more likely, in our case, a beer and a theological debate studded with Simpsons references.)

He has found in Fanny someone who seems uniquely well-suited to be his partner in life (and vice versa). She is charming, warm, funny, thoughtful — generally a delight; if the price of Daniel getting to hold her hand is his being in British Columbia, I’ll be the first to say “Go North, young man!”

And that is just what he did. Over on his weblog, there’s a travelogue in progress detailing their Big Road Trip from Texas to Victoria. Some nice photos and amusing vignettes from the road. Enjoy!