Guilt Post

I’m not feeling much like writing right now, but so as not to leave too great a gap in the weblogging, here are a few bits for your reading enjoyment:

  • I’ve taken each of the kiddos out for a day together now, all of which were good times. [Emily->] and I did a movie and chinese food marathon, I took [Abigail->] for a small-scale kayak trip and shopping, and [Maggie->] and I enjoyed the estimable San Antonio Zoo together. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to spend that time with each of these wonderful people.
  • We enjoyed Independence Day at a friend’s lakehouse on Lake McQueeney. Since we used to have family who lived on the lake, it was a treat to get back there and enjoy scooting around on the boat and watching their 7 year old son wakeboarding. (He’s pretty spectacular, and is on a first-name basis with many of the celebrities of the wakeboarding world.) Kathy also rode the Molecule behind the boat, tenaciously clinging to it even while it flipped over and send the two college guys who were also riding on it flying through the air.
  • Seth has written an excellent essay on Creating Custom Events with Javascript. It’s well worth a read if you’re into Javascript hackery. He’s also still raising money for the 2006 Pan-Mass Challenge. Your support goes toward finding a cure for cancer.
  • We enjoyed dinner and a viewing of Cars with [Dad McMains->] for Father’s Day. The time with the family was excellent, and Pixar hit another one out of the park.
  • The Grant Mazak Band played again this past weekend after a long-ish break. It was great fun to be together with the crew again. We’re also getting to play for San Marcos’ Summer in the Park concert series, which should be a good deal of fun as well as the largest crowd I’ve played for with this group.