The Dog ate my Postwork

I’ve fallen woefully behind on posts here of late. Sorry about that — just lots of real life going on. Recent highlights:

  • Watching 20 million bats come boiling out of Bracken Cave with the rest of the family. The critters form a vortex as they emerge, looking for all the world like a mammalian tornado. Especially striking were the occassional albinos spiraling upward, startling in their whiteness amid thousands of their brown fellows. Great experience.
  • Saw Edward James Olmos speak. As a huge fan of Stand and Deliver and his more recent work in Battlestar Galactica, I had high expectations. Suffice it to say, however, than this was another proof of the maxim that expertise in one area does not imply expertise in another.
  • Played at church and Cheatham Street Warehouse last Sunday. Good times, both.
  • [Liam->] and [Maggie->] enjoyed a weekend at the beach with [Mom McMains->], who graciously offered to include them on a fishing/swimming/sandcastle building trip.
  • Maggie caught her first fish at the San Marcos River while we celebrated Frisbee Dan‘s birthday with him.
  • Had a super double-date with David and Elizabeth last Saturday. Also bumped into some old friends from my high school while we were out — what a great surprise!
  • Closed out the season at Schlitterbahn. [Abigail->] and I were the last people to ride the Family Blaster for the year.