Ultra Products Miserable Service

Timeline of my dealings with Ultra Products:

  • February: Built a PC with an Ultra Power Supply.
  • Mid-December: Power Supply Failed. Called Ultra. They shipped a replacement, indicating that I would both have a $60 charge on my credit card until I returned it and that I would be responsible for return shipping.
  • Christmas: Got the replacement power supply. Installed it. It failed 5 minutes later. Figuring it couldn’t be a 2nd faulty power supply, brought PC to repair center. Faulty power supply was confirmed. I bought a replacement (non-Ultra) power supply at the repair center which has been humming along just fine ever since.
  • Late December: Contacted Ultra. They wouldn’t pay for return shipping of the second power supply, nor would they send out another replacement until they’d received the first back. I mailed it to them with the understanding that they would send another replacement as soon as they got it.
  • January 9: Post office showed that Ultra received the unit.
  • January 10: Sent an email requesting the tracking number for the replacement supply. Got no response.
  • January 17: Sent another email requesting a status update and wondering why I still had an outstanding charge on my credit card. Got no response for this one either.
  • January 18: Credit was issued to my credit card. The promised second replacement was apparently never sent.

So, now I’m out $40 for the diagnostic visit to the shop, $10 for shipping, and $40 for a new power supply, and still don’t have a functioning replacement under their “lifetime warranty”. They’re definitely a company I’ll be avoiding in the future.