Good Company, Good Food

Just enjoyed a super lunch with Jason, who was gracious to drive down from Pflugerville for a tour of some of the niftier stuff around campus, a trip to El Charro (one of my favorite local taquerias), and a visit to the house to say hello to Kathy and Maggie. I met Jason for the first time online many years ago, back when I was messing about with home automation. We bumped into each other on the XTension mailing lists, and he became a regular reader of Brain Sausage, a now-defunct collaborative weblog I edited with Chris Morris and Robert Leahey. (The system running Brain Sausage was my Perl-learning exercise.) Later, we discovered we had a friend in common in the person of Barry, and finally got to meet in Real Life™ when he brought us over to Jason’s house one night.

Jason’s a fascinating guy, who writes, produces, and performs music for a living, is a space nut (hooray SpaceShipOne!), leads wilderness camping and rafting excursions, and is a super-nice guy to boot. I highly recommend a lunch with him if you ever have the chance.

Update: Jason just posted a long, wonderful piece on his love for aviation and excitement for SpaceShipOne’s accomplishments.