
  • [Emily->] got the part of Willy Wonka in her school choir’s upcoming production of the Roald Dahl classic. We’re still a little vague on what form this production will be taking, but we’re very excited for and proud of her. We’ll post more details as we find them out.
  • Yesterday I watched [Liam->] play Halo 2 against 3 teenagers who formed a team against him. In spite of the fact that he was using a somewhat crippled controller, he smoked them. It warms a geek-Dad’s heart.
  • Spring has officially sprung, which of course means it’s time to do battle with the organisms that have taken up residence in the pool over the cold months. We spent a fair bit of time and and a perhaps immoderate amount of money on this over the weekend, but was rewarded this morning by the sight of a body of water than is once again more blue than green. (You still can’t see more than a foot into it, though.)
  • [Dan->] is fixing up his car and gearing up to leave us. He’ll be moving to North Carolina to stay with one of his friends there for a while. We’re sorry to see him go, as it’s been a treat for us to have him around, and for the kids to get to know their uncle.
  • In order to save up time for our England trip this summer, I worked over Spring Break and had the most amazingly productive week ever. It’s remarkable what one can get done when the phone doesn’t ring, people don’t stop by your desk, and the opportunities for distraction are few.