Everything Good, All at Once

Wednesday: In anticipation of Saturday’s wedding, [Kathy->] hosted and attended [Christina->]’s bachelorette party. I picked up [Daniel->], who was coming in for the wedding, from the airport at 11:00pm. Christina’s air conditioning failed, so some of her entourage relocated to our house for the evening.

Thursday: Hit the outlet mall with Daniel to pick up another baguette pan so he could exercise his baking skills to supply the wedding with lots of fresh bread. Went to work. Played with [The Grant Mazak Band->] at Veramendi Park here in San Marcos for the city’s “Summer in the Park” concert series. We’d been looking forward to and preparing for this for a couple months and were a bit nervous about it. Things went beautifully, however, with an article in the paper beforehand, about 400 people in the audience who, and lots of nice comments afterward.

Friday: Work. Wedding rehearsal. The rehearsal dinner, which was going to be at the happy couple’s home, was moved to the church because of the A/C failure. While cooking on the grill, it began to rain torrentially. We enjoyed soggy hot dogs, soggy children, and soggy dogs together. Lots of bread baking later that evening.

Saturday: More bread baking. The kids and I went down to San Antonio for a couple hours in the morning for [Becky->]’s Year-in-Texas Tea, which was very nice indeed. We regrouped at the house and headed off for the wedding, where Kathy was matron of honor and I played pennywhistle for the recessional. We then ate, drank, and were merry for several hours until I finally toted the young ones back home for bed. Kathy showed later with a refrigerator’s worth of leftovers. (Where are those tamales?)

Sunday: Church and another concert at Cheatham Street Warehouse where we announced the band was changing the name to [The Patio Boys->]. Celebrated [Abigail->]’s birthday there with friends, family, and cake. Came home and collapsed.