My Year in Books

I’ve been tracking my reading pretty diligently on bibliofile this year. Here are a few interesting stats from my reading log for 2006:

Books Read: 35
Pages Read: 12,237
Average Pages per Book: 360
Shortest Book: 18 Pages (Dead Man, by Daniel Priest)
Longest Book: 992 Pages (Pandora’s Star, by Peter Hamilton)

Noteworthy reads:

The Transparent Society: A thought-provoking look at whether it will be possible to maintain any kind of privacy in the future and whether its loss would be a bad thing.

Digital Game-Based Learning: A really good introduction to and exploration of the use of computer games as teaching tools.

Flicker: This book had been out of print for ages, so I was thrilled to finally find a copy (in a new edition, no less) in a bookstore on a trip to Seattle. I was even more excited to see on the cover of the new edition that Darren Aronofsky is on tap to do a film version. Engaging novel, though quite dark.

Blue Like Jazz: Lovely and engaging account of how the author, who has a superb, honest writing voice, comes to the Christian faith. An especially good read for those who are drawn to Christ but have difficulty with the church.

Dead Man: I’m not generally a huge fan of poetry, but I find Daniel’s stuff riveting. More of his work is on his weblog.

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay: A super novel, chock full of friendship, adventure, love, plans gone amok, wrongs righted. Well worth the time.

The Natural House: I’ve developed an interest in green building this year. Chiras’ book provides a nice, high-level introduction to the subject, covering a variety of different techniques and systems.

Everything Bad is Good for You: Of all the books I read this year, I probably mentioned this one to other people the most. Johnson’s premise is that the pop culture that is often decried as empty amusement has actually become much more intellectually demanding over time and is, to some degree, making people smarter. Thought-provoking stuff.

The Sparrow: An compelling science-fiction novel in form, it explores the themes of God’s will and how we relate to it in a really affecting way.

Pandora’s Star and Judas Unchained: The biggest, baddest space opera one could ever hope for. Hamilton keeps the whole story impressively engaging throughout its 1800 page span.